Economic Impect of british rule & Sufi Movement

Economic Impect of british rule
Impect of british rule

(1) What was the first cotton mill in India established ? ---- Mumbai
(2) Which is the oldest trade union arganisation in India ? ---- All India Trade Union Congress(AITUC)
(3) Where was tha first iron and steel industry of India established ? ---- Jamshedpur
(4) The British introduced the raiways in India in order to - ---- facilitate British commerce and administrative control
(5) During the colonial rule in India, the Permanent Settlement was introduced by- ---- Lord Cornwallis
(6) The first raiway line in India was opened in the year - ---- 1853
(7) Gandhi's intervention in the Ahmedabad Mill Strike in 1981 resulted in the enhancement of wages for the workers by- ---- 0.35
(8) The main grievance of the peasants in the Champaran Satyagraha (1917) was regarding the ---- Tinkathiya system
(9) Indian Factory Act was promulgated in- ---- 1881
(10) Who among the following Indian freedom fighters made an attempt to estimate the per capita income of India ? ---- Dadabhai Naoroji
(11) Under which one of the following systems of assessment , the British Government collected revenue directly from the farmers ? ---- Ryotwari
(12) Who among the following has started the Public Works Department in India in 1848 ? ---- Lord Dalhousie
(13) In which of the following years was the first Railway line between Bombay and Thane Laid ? ----1853
(14) The cause of decline of textile industries in 18 th century in Bengal was - ---- high trariff rates on exports to Britain
(15) First railway line were laid down in India under which British Governor ? ----Lord Dalhousie Lord Lytton
(16) Who is the exponent of the theory of economic drain of India during the British rule ? ----Dadabhai Naoroji
(17) The English introduced ryotwari settlement in- ---- Madras and Bombay Presidencey
(18) Who authored the book 'Poverty and the Un-British rule in India' ? ----Dadabhai Naoroji
(19) Who is credited with the introduction of Permanent settlement in Bengal and Bihar- ---- Lord Cornwallis
(20) who was associated with Ryotwari sttlement of Madras ? ---- Munro
(21) Permanent settlement was a feature of- ----Zamindari System
(22) Name of the journalist who whole-heartedly championed the cause of Indigo Movement was- ---- Harish Chandra Mukherjee
(23) Under the Permanent Settlement, 1793, the Zamindars were required toissue Pattas to farmers which were not issued by many of the Zamindars. The reason was- ---- There was no official check upon the Zamindars
(24) In India, the first bank of limited liability managed by Indians and founded in 1881 was- ---- Oudh (Awadh ) Commercial Bank
(25) Who among the following used the phrase 'Un-British' to criticize the English colonial control of India ? ---- Dadabhai Naoroji

Sufi Movement

Sufi Movement

(1) The Shrine of Hazarat Nizamuddin Auliya is situated at ---- Delhi
(2) Various Sufi orders(Silsilas) were introduced in India at different points of time. Which one of the following represents the correct chronogical sequence of the introduction of these orders ? ----The Chistis – The Suhrawardis – The Qadiris- The Naqshbandis
(3) Who was the founder of the sufi order in India ? ----Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti
(4) Which one of the following term was used by the Sufis for the successor nominated by the teacher of a particular order or silsila ? ---- Khalifah
(5) Which Sufi Saint's dargah is at Ajmer ? ---- Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti
(6) What were the Khanquah in the Medieval India ? ----Sufi Shrine
(7) Which one of the following Sultan of Delhi was refused an audience by Nizamuddin Auliya ? ----Jalaluddin Firoz Khalji
(8) The Chistiya Sufi Order was established in India by- ---- Khwaja Moinuddin
(9) Amir Khusrau Played a pioneer role in the development of - ----Khari Boli
(10) Amir Khusrau was born at: ---- Patiali
(11) Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya was the disciple of- ---- Baba Farid
(12) The Sufi Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti came to Rajasthan during The reign of- ---- Prithviraj Chauhan
(13) Who was know as Tuti-e-Hindustan (the Parrot of India) ? ----Amir Khusrau


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