The National Song of India

आज देश के राष्ट्रगीत के रूप में मशहूर " वंदे मातरम " (Vande Matram) कभी देश के नौजवानों देशप्रेमियों के लिए क्रांति का बगुला था ! चाहे वह चन्द्रशेखर आजाद हो या नेताजी सुभाषचंद बोस या भगत सिंह सभी वंदे मातरम का इस्तेमाल अपनी आवाज उठाने के लिए ही किया है.

कैसे बना वंदे मातरम : दुनिया के अधिकतर राष्ट्रगीत उस दशे के संघर्ष के समय पैदा हुए है , भारत का राष्ट्रगीत भी हमारी आजादी के संघर्ष के समय का है. बात है1887 जब अंग्रेजो  ने एक आदेश  लागू किया “गॉड सेव द क्वीन” गीत को गाना अनिवार्य कर दिया गया . बनकिमचन्द्रचटर्जी  उस समय एक सरकारी अधिकारी हुआ करते थे ,उन्हें यह आदेश रास नहीं आया और उन्होंने 1876 इसके विकल्प के तौर पर संस्कृत और बांग्ला के मिश्रण से एक नए गीत की रचना की और उसका शीर्षक दिया “वंदे मातरम”शुरवात में इसके केवल दो पद रचे गए थे ,जो केवल संस्कृत में थे। 

राष्ट्रगीत रविंद्रनाथ टैगोर ने इस गीत को स्वरबद्ध किया और पहली बार 1896 में कांग्रेस के कलकत्ता अधिवेशन में यह गीत गाया गया गया. अरबिंदो घोष ने इस गीत का अंग्रेजी में और आरंफी मौहम्मद खान ने इसका उर्दू में अनुवाद किया " वंदे मातरम " का स्थान राष्ट्रीय गान "जन गण मन" के बराबर है।  यह गीत स्वंतंत्रता की लड़ाई में लोगो के लिए प्रेरणा का स्रोत बना था। 

The National Song of India

 It was Bankim Chandra Chatterjee who wrote the lyrics for powerful “Vande Mataram”. He was born in a very prosperous family in Kantalpada, 24 Parganas in Bengal, on June 27th, 1838. During the First War of Independence, he was a young student. But he was destined to become one of uncrowned king of Bengali literature. His unique contribution

 of novel Ananda Math in which he incorporated the soul stirring song Vande Mataram was a super masterpiece. It seems that Goddess gave him fearless strength to have that great vision in the form of Goddess Durga so as to give a new light to the citizens of India a new light while they were groping in darkness due to British Raj. It was Sanyasi Rebellion (1763-1800) that inspired Bankim to write the historic novel Ananda Math.

Actually Bankim wrote the lyrics of Vande Mataram in 1875 much before he wrote the novel Ananda Math while he was riding in a train and was inspired by scenic landscape,

beautiful lakes and charm of nature in its splendor. The poet Bankim got totally inspired and burst into penning down lyrics for the soul stirring poem. However, it took few more years to reach the poem to masses after it was written in 1875. But it was on April 14th 1906, at Bengali Provincial Conference of Indian National Congress at Barisal, Bankim revealed this power-packed Mantra to masses. The pledge for undoing the then partition of Bengal was also taken at this conference. There was a mammoth meeting and effigy of Lord Curzon was burnt and thousands of voices cried the spellbinding Vande Mataram. Vande Mataram took powerful shape in India after these cries. And Vande Matarm became a weapon in the hands of patriotic revolutionaries of India which shook the foundation of British Raj. Many hard core patriots went to gallows while holding Bhagwath Geeta in one hand and Vande Mataram on their lips.
 Many young men came under the spell of Vande Mataram, the sacred mantra of patriotism. Countless young men and women offered their lives for the sake of motherland after listening to Vande Mataram. After arrival of Veer Savarkar inLondon for studying law, the tunes of Vande Mataram started ringing resoundingly in the hearts of Indians living in England. Madanlal Dhingra, a revolutionary, after getting inspired by Veer Savarkar’s speech shot dead Curzon Wyllie and ascended to gallows with Vande Mataram on his lips. Veer Savarkar was arrested in Londonand was sentenced to two life imprisonments and was transported to Andaman’s horrific Cellular Jail where he went through hard labor for almost 11years. Government of India has turned Cellular Jail into a National Monument where thousands of Indian tourists flock today.
 Vande Mataram even reached shores of America in 1912 and while shouting Vande Mataram the Gadar party was formed to fight against British Colonialism. Four Indian revolutionaries from Independence League in Japan were caught by British forces and were sentenced to death. All four went to gallows with Vande Mataram on their lips.

National Anthem of Azad Hind Fauz led by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a soul-stirring adoration of the motherland India which inspired thousands of soldiers belonging to Fauz to lay down their lives for India’s independence. Netaji spoke on Vande Mataram in his autobiography calling it as Indian National Anthem where Subhas said Vande Mataram literally means “I salute you the mother”.
 Vande Mataram inspired twenty four soldiers of Bristish Indian Army stationed in Tamilnadu in 1940’s. And British arrested all twenty four on charges of mutiny and were sentenced to death. In Madras (now Chennai) Jail all twenty four went to gallows once again with Vande Mataram on their lips.

However, Muslim League opposed Vande Mataram as early as 1908. Sayyed Imam the then president of Muslim League condemned it as sectarian which he said was totally against Islam as Vande Mataram advocated worship of the motherland as Goddess.

At Congress sessions in 1923 at Kakinada, Orissa when Vande Mataram was being sung Maulana Mohammed Ali, who was the president of Muslim League at that time, strongly objected to it. Congress leaders always supported Muslim League on the controversy over singing Vande Mataram for obvious reasons of appeasing Muslims.

In 1922, Congress passed a resolution to sing Poet Iqbals’ song “Saare Jahan Se Accha, Hindostan Hamara” along with Vande Mataram.  But Muslim leaders were not satisfied with this congress gesture and wanted to replace Vande Mataram completely by Poet Iqbal’s “Saare Jahan Se Accha, Hindostan Hamara” song. All India Muslim League once again passed resolution condemning Vande Mataram. So once again to appease Muslims, Congress leaders with Nehru as a party leader decided to maim Vande Mataram by allowing to sing only first two stanzas of Vande Mataram. Muslim League still persisted in its objection in 1938 and Jinnah placed before Nehru his demand for completely abandoning Vande Mataram. To please Muslims, at the Congress Conference, Congress allowed the singing of a song by Basheer Ahmad in the form of an English poem and also reciting of Holy Koran.

Nehru further went on to say that lyrics of Vande Mataram were not suitable for composing it into a melody. And no orchestra will be able to play such a song even someone tried to compose it. But one patriot-musician Master Krishna Rao Phulambrikar from Pune proved Nehru wrong. He composed Vande Mataram in a very melodious tune. However, Nehru wanted to get okay from British Band (orchestra) Experts. (Author’s Note : I do not understand here why Nehru wanted an okay from British Band in the first place). Anyway, Master Krishna Rao Phulambrikar came to Bombay (now Mumbai) and played his composition to British Band Experts and British Band approved the Vande Matarm composition by Master Krishna Rao after playing smoothly in their Band (Orchestra). This proved for the first time that Vande Mataram could be composed melodiously.


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